Sunday, November 30, 2008

Peace: Freedom from oppressive thoughts or emotion.
Turmoil results from a disregard for one another 
Which in turn inhibits peaceful thoughts among us
Therefore our lack of restraint undermines our need for peace. 
We are the roots that either feed or destroy our ideal of peace 
So it is necessary to act justly and righteously to our fellow man. 
These angry broadcasts are normally the projection of our own insecurities 
So without inner peace global peace is impossible.

Peace: a state of tranquillity; freedom from civil disturbances.
While no community, region or country is absent of peace 
That same area cannot be free from discord and turmoil. 
This is the necessary juxtaposition of peace.  
Without defined oppression their can be no freedom
Without disagreement we cannot have unity. 
These two forces have and will be present and significant through all time 
But we as communities and nations still must strive to live free of turmoil.

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