Dear President Barrack Obama,
You have no idea, really, of how profound this moment is for us, the collected people of America, to see such an inspirational and devoted person placed at the head of our country, and I hope that you will bring about a four, and hopefully eight, year time of prosperity and peace in our deeply troubled country. While you may think that you know the monumental tasks ahead because of your insightfulness and you knowledge of our history, it still will require overwhelming willpower, strong decision making and a profound interest in the American people. Luckily for my family, community and country I have found these three strengths in your speeches, campaigns and any insight I have into your family.
While you may recognize this already I only want to reiterate that your presidency is a mark of the beginning of a new United States of America where a person can be chosen for any position by their character, determination and wisdom. And that makes me proud to be part of your campaign and the country which you will govern for the upcoming years.
While no one knows the extent of the economic crisis that we are on the brink of diving head first into, I have full confidence in you, President Obama, to drag our country through this muck while serving only the interests of the collective people and simultaneously breaking the plutocracy that our former President established. And I feel that only when the collective wellbeing is considered can just decisions be made and then our country may prosper.
An ecological crisis also looms threateningly over the horizon and while this rests on the shoulders of every civilized country in the world it will be your duty to rally the other world powers and be the first large nation to make drastic, but obtainable changes to our way of producing goods, transporting ourselves and harvesting energy. But again I have faith in your judgment and your cabinets ability to brainstorm and consider new and unaccepted methodology and technology, and only through innovative ways to make energy conservation popular and plausible will we as people be able to overcome or slow global warming and the negative effects we have on our planet.
As Commander-in-Chief you will take vows over Lincolns Bible to serve and protect our country that has chosen you as our leader. But this protection should be expanded to all people because every soul and dream that is crushed in a soulless public school or a undisclosed military prison is one more unproductive man or woman who is unable to further our country. So I charge you to shut down Guantanamo Bay and No Child Left Behind.
Finally as our President for the next four years I wish you the best of luck and the endurance to be able to withstand the atrocities that your job will have on your outward appearances and most importantly, your soul. I hope and pray that by the end of your journey you will still have the desire to serve the public and that you will remain as sincere and energetic as you were at the beginning of your campaign.
In Fortitude and Peace,
- Benjamin H. Milner
(Or that guy chanting “B-A-R-A-C-K O-B-A-M-A” at the Charlottesville Virginia rally, I didn’t mean to be rude, I was just excited for your campaign)
1 comment:
You're making an assumption here. Tell him how you feel, not how he should be feeling. "You have no idea.."
This is very nice, but cut the rest of the sentence, "Luckily for my family, community and country I have found these three strengths in your speeches (and) campaigns"
Wording, "While no one knows the extent of the economic crisis that we are on the brink of diving head first into"
Very cute, "Or that guy chanting “B-A-R-A-C-K O-B-A-M-A” at the Charlottesville Virginia rally, I didn’t mean to be rude, I was just excited for your campaign"
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