As popular as popped collars, sundresses, not eating, Rainbow sandals, and small bathing suits all are, failing to follow one of these college trends could actually save your life. Unfortunately, forced malnutrition is a common occurrence across the USA and has been found to occur more densely in South Eastern colleges, especially sororities, as young women starve themselves to fit into skimpy, summer clothing. More unfortunate is the ramification this malnutrition can cause on your bodies. Not only will your muscles atrophy, but your style eventually will too as your hair becomes more raggedy; bags under your eyes heavier; and your ribs more pronounced. Girls, eating, and eating healthily, is essential to look good, feel good, and perform well in college. That's why I'm here to inform you beautiful ladies about the wonders of eating. Be it apples, oranges, celery, steak, or lamb; eating is good.
One could choose to eat a small yogurt cup, then a celery stick, and finally half an apple or, if you girls wanted to be real trend setters, the avant-garde of your sorority, you could chose to eat breakfast first, then lunch, and finally dinner. Most girls in your college have a problem with their weight, appearance or some other demon haunting them but few are able to handle them in a responsible way. Luckily, eating well rounded meals and exercising regularly can help fend off the pounds you ladies hate so much all the while enabling you to look your best and the "bros" to love you. In fact, a recent FORBES survey showed that over ninety percent of fraternity brothers prefer women with more than a five percent Body Mass Index. Essentially girls this means that bros don’t think that obsessive thinness equates beauty. So ladies, I urge you, EAT, you'll love it more than Prada, I swear.
Each of you might be surprised by the many benefits of food ranging from its use in tanning oil, hair lightener, makeup, clothing dye and shampoo. But sisters, to clear something up, you not eating doesn’t mean that there is more makeup, nor does it mean that Africans are getting your food. YOU ARE NOT HUMANITARIANS, just enjoy your food and enjoy eating it.
And finally I would like to spend some time addressing the different types of healthy foods one can consume, and enjoy without feeling guilty. While I could list them alphabetically starting with apples and ending with zucchini it would be much easier to set you out on the world with a set of parameters or guidelines for good food that’s easy to eat without feeling bad. First, paying more for food isn’t a bad thing natural, organic food normally tastes better and is most defiantly better for you. So if you all are to take one thing away from this remember that eating can be fun, is more healthy, and you all should definitely make time in your schedule for it.